Regression therapy is known to be effective in putting the individual in touch with his unique self and unravelling the tangled threads of his past. It seems to be particularly useful for promoting insight, changing attitudes, removing guilt, building self-esteem and freeing the patient from stress, fear and irrational behaviour. It also helps the patient to get rid of rage that is the result of past injustices. It is of particular value in the patient who has lost his sense of self-worth or who has strong personality clashes in his relationships. It can at times alleviate symptoms such as migraine headaches, allergies, arthritis, and in fact, many stress symptoms.
It must be understood that the primary goal of regression therapy is to help the individual live more fully and realize increasingly his connection to the universe. Hence it is particularly beneficial primarily to patients who understand this goal and wish to deepen his understanding of basic life patterns so that e may participate more fully in the creative process of living.
There are however, contraindications for use. If the individual is unwilling to be honest or tends to block attempts at self-revelation, the result of the therapy will be poor. Also, if there is fear of exposure, religious conflicts, lack of readiness to assume responsibility for oneself and his actions and feelings, then past-life therapy is unlikely t work. In general past-life therapy is contraindicated for individuals who exhibit poor ego structure, unable to integrate symbolic material and create change in their lives.
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